Cyber Security Workshop

Rooming & Equipment
Part 1 – In your usual computer room (Requires Python 3)
Part 2 – Using the Computerteacher laptops to remotely gain access to a server
Part 3 – Internet access will be needed in your usual computer room to break the security of a ‘bank’. (Disclaimer: the bank might just be a fake ‘Computerteacher’ one)

How do Hackers Hack?

In this workshop students will learn to attack ‘Computerteacher’ servers to see what common hacking methods are used and how to protect against such attacks. (This is all done separate from the school network using Linux based laptops)

forms of attack threats posed to networks:

social engineering
brute force attacks
denial of service attacks
data interception and theft
the SQL injection

Identifying and preventing vulnerabilities:

penetration testing
network forensics
user access levels